Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.About
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
Admission & Financial Aid
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics
Connections of Wires
Information Technology
New Student Information
Welcome to Marist University!
Here is some important information to help you prepare for your first year at Marist. If you have any questions, please contact Client Technologies at 845-575-3499 or email us at ClientTechnologies@tsunoi-toso.com.
Purchasing a Computer
The Computer Store offers two options for purchasing.
Bringing a Computer
- Client Technologies provides full support for Windows 10 (version 22H2) and 11 (version 23H2 or higher), as well as macOS 14 (Sonoma) or higher. Please check the OS Support page for more information.
- For recommended specifications, please check the Bring Your Computer page.
Office 365
Every student is provided with a complimentary Office 365 license while studying at Marist. Students are encouraged to download the full Office package (available for Windows and macOS); instructions can be found on our How-To's page. As an alternative to the downloadable version, the Office 365 apps can be accessed through the web at http://mymail.tsunoi-toso.com.
Connecting Your Computer
To expedite the process on move-in day, below are the requirements to connect your computer to the Marist Network:
- Windows: The latest available Windows updates are required. Only Windows 10 and Windows 11 are allowed and supported on the network (Windows 7, 8.0 and 8.1 are no longer supported by Microsoft and therefore not supported by Client Technologies).
- Mac: The latest available macOS software updates are required. Only macOS 14 (Sonoma) and higher are allowed and supported on the network.
- CrowdStrike antivirus software is provided by Marist at no charge and is available for all students.
- Please visit http://my.tsunoi-toso.com/antivirus-software to download the software prior to coming to campus (please note that this page opens for incoming first-year students in August). You must have an up-to-date antivirus program installed on your computer in order to access the Marist University network.
- Wireless: Instructions can be found on our "Connect to the Network" page.
- Wired: If you are planning to connect to the Marist network via a physical connection (network cable), instructions can be found on our "Connect to the Network" page.
- User needs the ability to install any missing requirements (Administrative Access).
Mobile Devices: To connect your mobile device to the Marist network, please visit our "Connect to the Network" page and follow the instructions that apply to your device's operating system (iOS/Android).
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I required to bring my own computer?
No. You are not required by the university to bring a computer, but the vast majority of students have their own computer. The Donnelly computer lab is open 24/7 with computers available for student use.
Should I buy a Mac or Windows computer?
Both Mac and Windows computers are used and supported on campus. For purchasing a computer, it is up to the student's personal preference on which computer to purchase. Both Mac and Windows will be able to connect to the Marist network and run the required network software. Certain majors may require the use of software which can only be installed on Windows, please check with the school that your student will be studying in if you are unsure.
Do I need my own printer?
Students can bring a USB printer to connect to their computer if they would like, but it is not required. Wireless printing is NOT allowed on the Marist network and will not work. Client Technologies does not provide support for any student-owned printers on campus. Printing is available to students in any of the general labs around campus from the lab computers.
Can I use my own antivirus software?
Yes; however, the CrowdStrike Falcon endpoint security software is provided to all students free of charge by Marist University and updates automatically. For more information, please visit our Antivirus Software page.
Can I connect my gaming console or multimedia device to the network?
Yes. The student will have to add the MAC address of the device to the Network Self Service webpage. You will have to locate the MAC address for your device by checking in the network settings. Not all multimedia devices have the capability to connect to the Marist University network, and Client Technologies provides only limited support for these devices.
File Sharing/Copyright Infringement
File sharing of copyrighted materials without the permission of the copyright owner is illegal and a violation of the Marist University Acceptable Usage Policy, which can be found at http://mari.st/aup. By using your Marist Account or any device on the Marist network, you agree to and are bound by all terms and conditions of the AUP.
You do not have to be downloading to be caught for file sharing. Peer to peer (P2P) software is always running in the background even if you are not downloading. Uninstall any peer to peer (P2P) software before you come to school. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) target individuals who are in violation of copyright laws. If Marist receives a letter from these organizations, the student’s network access will be removed and he or she will be placed on network probation. To learn more about copyright laws and the security policies of Marist University, please visit: http://y3f9.tsunoi-toso.com/information-security/copyright.
First Offense for Student Violation of the AUP
Student removed from the Marist network and placed on network probation.
- Student must bring their computer to the Client Technologies office.
- All peer-to-peer software will be uninstalled by a Client Technologies technician.
- Every copyrighted file will be deleted unless the student provides proof of purchase.
- Student must sign the Marist University Acceptable Usage Policy.
Second Offense for Student Violation of the AUP
Student removed from the Marist network and placed on network probation for 1 week. The 1 week probation does not start until after the computer is cleaned.
Third Offense for Student Violation of the AUP
Student removed from the Marist network and placed on network probation. After the computer is cleaned the student will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for resolution.